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Continue in a Course of Action

To reject a course of action as clearly undesirable is to reject it on practical grounds.
An osteopath will review the individual's health first before advising on a course of action.
We only ever take parents to court as a last resort and it is not a course of action we take lightly and one which we would rather avoid.
After contemplating many dreadful acts, he finally decided on a course of action.
I will not pretend to have the skill necessary to lay out a course of action to solve this problem.
The central issue in the case is whether that was a justified course of action.
Are we to regard that as a tacit seal of approval for such a course of action?
These emotions handcuff you to a particular course of action that you would rather not carry out.
Hopefuly, I have explained why option four was the only practical course of action.
We are trying to avoid the word policy, that commits us down a certain course of action.
Certainly topping up on any index tracker investment would be a good course of action at the moment.
Once a course of action is settled on, it is so difficult to undo the momentum of the action and its direction.
Upon receiving this assessment the parties can decide what their respective future course of action will be.
The prospect of ministers sharing in the financial pain may help the Tories sell such a course of action.
You're a good judge of character, so hang back and observe the players before committing to a course of action.
The only course of action is to persuade him to resign or to hold a primary.
You have to judge the situation to determine which course of action to take.
The suggested course of action makes no sense, constitutionally, politically or practically.
The hospital was waiting for tests to reveal the cause of the illness, allowing doctors to then determine the best course of action.
He seemed determined to justify a course of action which seemed wholly disproportionate.

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Therefore, that which becomes customary is the most reasonable and appropriate course of action to be followed.
Mark Bennett suggests that the best course of action is to approach the bigger agencies for work experience.
Having resolved to follow this course of action I contacted both England and Russia and formed an alliance to the detriment of Germany.
Keeping the enemy on his toes deters and interdicts his ability to effectively execute the chosen course of action.
I do not believe that the matter should rest there, because there is an honourable course of action.
There is a need for a definitive course of action in order to abate this spiraling situation.
Do you agree that anti-Semitism is a growing problem in Europe and what do you see as the best course of action against it?
Part of his magic is his ability to convince of the rightness of his course of action.
They are sparking a debate about the appropriateness of a military course of action.
Another major issue for the team will be its course of action in the event of military conflict.
But more than this, it seems to me to be an insane and irresponsible course of action if I'm reading the attorney aright.
My question actually asked whether this would be a better course of action.
Proper use of magick then, might entail casting the runes to decide whether a course of action is appropriate.
Because the lunacy of the current course of action is so extreme, the need for intimidating propaganda is concomitantly high.
If he took this logic to the extreme, the next course of action might mean a radical dive to pick up airspeed so we could pop up over the trees.
The ancients also used oracles to obtain sanction or approval, even though they had already decided on their course of action.
As you may have guessed by now I believe adoption is a good course of action for many teenage mums.
Whatever the truth, this surely is a case where a gesture of goodwill would have been the appropriate course of action.
Decision makers beguiled into adopting a course of action may update their beliefs and abandon it.
I handed Richard a radio once we began setting out, informing him and the others about what our course of action was.

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Conversely, if the break down occurs in a highly urban and volatile area, the best course of action may be to immediately hook up a tow bar.
It is understood as a prelude, the necessary prelude, to embarking on some course of action.
You are required to constantly assess the best course of action and think on your feet.
Which is not to argue that a course of action is unavailable to the government that would make such atrocities less likely.
One cannot help but ponder what might have driven him to embark on this peculiar course of action?
He had, we must suppose, good moral reasons for seeking to pursue that course of action.
The tendency has been to ignore or procrastinate until intervention becomes the least unattractive course of action.
Should an individual, upon discovering an intruder in his house, first question him as to his intent before embarking upon a course of action?
Why would we want to proceed with a course of action that is unjust, unwise and completely unnecessary?
For me, I have examined the options, carefully weighed the pros and cons and have decided on the best course of action.
Should a motorist blow his horn the Guide Dog can become agitated and may therefore be unsure as to what course of action to take.
Hitler did take risks, and did stick with unrelenting determination to a course of action once he had decided on it.
Probably a better course of action for arriving boats is to make for the next major island, Maui.
Professional advice should always be sought before embarking on a particular course of action.
I'm wondering if a year in an unprepared holding bed or plunk and run in the big unprepared bed is the best course of action.
Therefore, I chose the second course of action to stay and defend the garrison.
Such a course of action, he points out, requires a choice based on morality and a conscious act of volition on his part.
I threatened it with the same dire course of action and consequence I used to harbour towards people blowing vuvuzelas.
I said then, that the market was going to work meaningfully higher and that the best course of action was to stay the course.
The question is, what type of risks does each course of action open us up to?

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Shutting down and egressing from the aircraft while on the catapult would have been the most conservative course of action.
I am streetwise and clever and realise that any other course of action might have led to me having my head kicked in.
Suddenly an idea struck him, and deciding it was the only course of action, he leaped high into the air.
There is certainly no reason to take the second course of action over the first.
Why would such a patent democrat and friend of freedom engage such a course of action?
Downpatrick Fire Station, sources claim, is split down the middle on the course of action embarked upon by the union.
However, fear, as well as guilt, forced me to choose the more honorable course of action.
They told the 66-year-old that the honourable course of action would be to resign.
They can advise on the best course of action and can even arrange for an ambulance to be sent if it is needed.
Instead, he emphasizes that Indians can use the notion of ancient authority to justify any course of action, just like the palefaces can.
Swiftly swatting the bug with a rolled-up newspaper would have been the best course of action.
The best course of action is to ensure your paperwork is all present and correct at the time of submission.
It's one thing to examine the options, it is another to pursue a determined course of action to achieve a concrete result.
Several committees of the European Parliament had recommended such a course of action before any agreement was concluded.
I agree, and think that we have made a big mistake by not considering such a course of action.
The fact that secular considerations also favoured this course of action is, of course, beside the point.
He said he would be consulting staff about the proposals before deciding what course of action the branch would take.
Time permitting, the aviation battalion commander provided guidance before going into the course of action development and wargaming.
Shelly felt that a policy of containment and negotiation was the appropriate course of action.
It probably has a personal sense here as well, since the pleroma has the ability to decide on a course of action.

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The true prophet does not foretell an inevitable future, but warns of likely consequences should a present course of action continue.
But the peace protesters were adamant that civil disobedience was the only course of action left to them.
There are compelling reasons why such a course of action would also be foolhardy and counterproductive in addition to hugely unlikely.
It's fair to assume he had simply forgotten what to do, being four-and-a-half years since he had needed to follow such a course of action.
We must always ask what harm we are doing by taking a particular course of action.
I saw that the Clerk was giving you contrary advice, but I actually think the appropriate course of action, once a member calls for a vote, is for a vote to be held.
Again, the course of action depends on the number of boots on the ground.
Taking the initiative entails a three-pronged course of action.
A small, ragtag band of idealists facing overwhelming odds decides to gamble on a course of action judged either foolish or brilliant, depending on the outcome.
One teaching union said it disagreed with the training course, which, it said, would make restraint a first course of action for teachers, rather than a last resort.
This happens to be the perfect course of action, better to frighten you with the hellish episode of slavery.
This course of action is what the Constitution envisions and also slows down the hasty rush to war.
This all indicates that this is more than a normal course of action, a situational event.
More impressive, though, than any fanatical power of endurance was his ability to see he was on the wrong track, admit he was mistaken and try a different course of action.
In this clip, a group of rebels has allegedly seized a Basij militiaman, and is debating the next course of action.
With a two-week shutdown of the factory due to start on Monday, it is thought workers will use the time to figure out what course of action to take.
In practice, of course, the evidence available will often underdetermine the identification of the desires and beliefs operative in a given course of action.
Another course of action is to sue for damages in the Small Claims Court.
What with their incessant, continual, never ending, perpetual and stop-less demands for financial assistance I see only one clear course of action.
He said that at the centre of the present crisis was the fact that the federal council had taken a course of action without consulting the people.

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The administration is embarked on a course of action that will, once the lies and fearmongering are exploded by events, produce political convulsions at home and abroad.
Admittedly this is an unusual course of action for a federal agency.
With any course of action there is a desired or anticipated outcome.
His doctor can think of no other course of action at the moment.
Every course of action we evaluated had multiple ramifications.
This was followed by attempts to buy off the Danes by the payment of immense sums as Danegeld, a course of action suggested by Archbishop Sigeric.
The most effective course of action satisfying the two latter requirements is to use a geodetic information system with a set of necessary maps of terrain.
Another aspect of a tragic hero is an unwavering course of action, most likely caused by their flaw, that brings about their demise and the demise of those around them.
For example, states realize that they cannot achieve their goals in areas such as trade or environment, unless all other states also embark upon a particular course of action.
The relationship between two individuals may be such that, without more, one of them is disposed to agree a course of action proposed by the other.
Crouse presents readers a course of action on how to resolve this ever-increasing issue in the body of Christ.
The leaders held a closed door meeting to decide on a future course of action in the case.
A weak deontic mood describes how a course of action is not recommended or is frowned upon.
If you were to find yourself in the jungle without a mosquito net, slathering yourself in snot might be a good course of action.
They have not yet committed to a particular course of action.
The debate raged on, leaving ecoconscious shoppers unclear about the best course of action.
An exercitive is the giving of a decision in favour of or against a certain course of action, or advocacy of it.
This demanded that the subordinates must advise their superiors if the superiors are considered to be taking a course of action that is wrong.
Upon entering, she showed me to the bedroom. I got undressed and laid on the bed, thinking of the course of action I had to foretake as I lay there.
If this is the normal course of action we have more tubbies on the way.

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Married Virgos will probably face a crisis in their relationships and the best course of action to take is to provide plenty of change and excitement within the relationship.
In order to keep ourselves safe I decided the best course of action was to halt operations and re-group and discuss what has been going on and get to the bottom of it.
Central has worked with us to give building owners the flexibility they need to determine the best course of action for replacing their Central O-ring sprinklers.
We are trying to decide what the most ethical course of action would be.
First, in the absence of good evidence on which to base a decision, the only guaranteed safe course of action for the student would be to not attend the operating theatre.
It generally involves a person pursuing a course of action while consciously disregarding that the action gives rise to a substantial and unjustifiable risk.
This course of action had been proposed even before the fire.
William summoned a Convention Parliament in England, which met on 22 January 1689, to discuss the appropriate course of action following James's flight.
Elizabeth from the start did not really back this course of action.
He sketched out in his own mind a course of action that would be possible to follow after breakout off Mekin.
During it Walt Lampson had found time to consider his course of action against the stampeders of his herd.
Perhaps, after we have weighed all that is ponderable, we can only determine which seems the better course of action.
Why, how absurd and priggish and offensive such a course of action would be?
Now, brokers working with Rumson Capital on life settlement transactions are better equipped to determine the right course of action for viators.
What course of action could she determine upon, which could be adopted in eight-and-forty hours?
There I remained for a long time, too fearful to move, and indeed too fearful even to plan a course of action.
Hale, when we say that we embark upon this course of action utterly devoid of animus.
There is now no longer any right course of action nor any self-devotion left among the Iranis.
Was there any ingenious plot, any hide-and-seek course of action, which might be detected by a careful telescopic watch?
Dolly hesitated again, and not being able to decide upon any other course of action, burst into tears.
He had committed himself now to a definite course of action.
It will be our honest and sincere conviction, but it must also be understood that it does not bind the Government of this country to any course of action.
Your proposed course of action seems scarcely in keeping with this.


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