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How to Get Fleet Ship Module Easy

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Digital Fleet Management

Take the first step for safe, efficient and easy fleet management by digitalizing your marine fleet management with innovative products.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Don't loom large your software costs; rent the products instead of purchasing. Get high efficiency in your business processes with low software costs by making payment only for the modules that you need.


Uninterrupted Data Flow

Eliminate the communication and data flow need between your company and fleet ships with a single product. Correspond with the crew, share files, and ensure that the data is delivered from the ship to the office completely. Maintain your data flow and lower your costs by using your internet quota efficient via compression algorithms.



Custom ERP Solution for Maritime Companies

Due to the complicated structure of the maritime sector, we ensure the safe and easy execution of the necessary and tough process management. By means of our maritime applications, we present you all the details of your fleet on a single screen. You will need them at marine fleet management

  • Fully integrated applications
  • Lossless data transfer
  • Customizability
  • Multilanguage support
  • Unlimited technic support

These are the features through which we help you plan your company's enterprise resources efficiently.

spiral micromarin

fleet ships

Keep Your Fleet Up-to-Date Continuously

One of the greatest challenges in fleet management is to ensure the uninterrupted data flow that ships need.

Make sure that ships continue their voyages safely by transferring all data required by international regulations to the ships in the fleet. Share all International Safety Management (ISM) updates with the fleet quickly and complete all inspections seamlessly.

bureauveritas certificate

Software Risks are Evaluated for You

Gain advantage via class-certified products.

Fully comply with the existing maritime standards with the modules that have Bureau Veritas type approval certificate of which are obtained by meeting the terms and requirements of the maritime industry.


Integrate Your Business Processes

By means of customizable processes, transfer all of your workflows to the system immediately.

Enjoy the comfort of digitalizing your fleet management without experiencing any hitch or delay.


Don't Miss Any Information

We know that timing is very important in the maritime industry. Therefore, we warn you timely and as per your request for completion of your planned work without delay:


shopping basket


Prevent the occurrence of duplicate requests. Identify products that can be procured periodically by analyzing frequently-requested products.


Inventory Integration

Always attain up-to-date inventory information by bringing the stock inputs/outputs of the products delivered to the ship under control.

Save up to 5% at Purchasing



Price Comparison

Compare supplier quotations to find the best price. Obtain the best ordering process by taking criteria such as additional costs, special discounts, and supplier ratings into account.


Budget & Finance

Generate invoices for completed orders either automatically or manually. Bring your costs under control by monitoring the purchase budget instantly.

cloud planning

Plan Your Future Flexibly

You may form a custom package for your company by selecting only the maritime applications that you need. As your business expands, you may easily extend your package with new applications.

You may update the ships removed from the fleet instantly on the system, and easily activate the ships added to the fleet with the modules to be used.

Are you ready
to digitalize your fleet?

You may start to discover the digital fleet management by creating a demo request immediately.


5 Important Questions about
Fleet Management System


How long does the system integration take?

Installation in offices varies according to technical infrastructure and takes 1 or 2 days on average. Installation duration for each ship is usually 1 day.

Corporate Installation

Together with the operations such as pre-usage data entry, data transfer tests, user authorizations, etc. integration may be completed in 5-7 days.


Can data be transferred from external systems?

Optionally, after the necessary preliminary preparation, all technically possible data may be imported from external systems.

Data Transfer From 3rd Party Products


How the equipment tree for the planned maintenance system is created?

The equipment tree for the planned maintenance may be built from scratch for each ship, or the process may be completed by selecting the appropriate equipment tree samples that are to be provided for you.

PMS Data Integration


What do module prices cover?

Module prices cover the remote technical support and all software updates for the period of use.

Instead of remote support, if on-site support is requested for the ships, they are billed separately according to criteria such as distance and duration.

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What is the monthly average data consumption?

Monthly average data usage in a package consisting of all modules varies between 100-500 MB.

Depending on the variables such as the volume of attaching documents/images etc., this amount may decrease or increase.

-- Our References --

Some of Our References

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Diler Holding

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CerBa Åžirketler Grubu

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Oras Shipping

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